Far be it from me to suggest you’re the type to resort to petty chicanery and pass another’s work off as your own. But you could do a lot worse than bring a K + K lamprais or two to the table, unwrapping it and soaking up the praise. We’ll come back to that. Recently, Read More
Chronic is fried chicken for grown ups. Literally- their usual home at Kongs just up the street is 18s and over only- but also in marked contrast to the drab disappointment of a nearby big-money franchise with prime footfall. There, tenders arrived so limp I half expected Pelé to pop up with a reassuring word Read More
If there’s a thread running through the orders I’ve made for national delivery, it’s this: less an attempt to keep up with what’s ‘hot’, more a calculated attempt to recapture happy memories. Food as lockdown panacea. And by extension- because I scrawl my ideas on the back of this virtual fag packet- to suggest meals Read More